
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Black Mountain, NV (5,092') from Shadow Canyon

     The dark, volcanic ballast of Black Mountain casts a large, ubiquitous shadow over the Las Vegas-Henderson metropolitan area.  In a city known for its sloth and carousing, this trip through the heart of the high desert, offers human spirit something more uplifting and refreshing than what is left at its base.  The lower slopes are void of much diverse vegetation, while the upper slopes are dotted with the iconic emblem of the Mojave, the Joshua Tree.  The trail is well-maintained up until the final summit climb, where it becomes  a steep scramble up the south rib of the mountain.  The unique northern Mojave flora and dark, volcanic rocks offer satisfactory frontal props for the expanding views of downtown Las Vegas, Red Rock Canyon, and snow-striped Charleston Peak.  


Category: Moderate
Miles:  6.6 
Elevation Gain: 2,100'     
Location: Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area
Directions: HERE

The Hike:  From the Shadow Canyon Access Point (Free parking), head east on the paved road, and follow it in the small vale between rows of suburban houses.  In about 0.5 miles, you will reach the top of a small flood control basin, and a trail split.  Take "Trail 404-Black Mountain Trail", eastward still, past the debris basin towards its namesake peak.  Straight ahead of you is Black Mountain itself, towering high over the sprawling townships below it, bearing a somber dark hue from afar.  The sampling of native Mojave vegetation along the trail-side is excellent; the collection includes barrel cacti, creosote brush, native desert grasses, prickly pear cacti, the Mojave Yucca, and that venerable survivor of aridity and torridity, the Joshua Tree.  The trail meets another split off, but you continue heading towards the peak as the path begins its switchbacking up the mountainside.  

     Around 4,000', a grassy, Joshua Tree woodland appears, offering a sweet change to the dominance of the creosote bush behind.  At 4,300', the maintained trail turns more into a rough use-trail, (though technically still "maintained": it's been a long time since it was...) as you begin the steep final Class 2 climb up the south rib of Black Mountain.  From the summit, you are treated with extraordinary views of all directions, from the Colorado River gorge in the east to snow-capped 11,900' Charleston Peak in the west, and from the entire sprawling Las Vegas Metro area to the vast expanse of the California desert.  Sign the extensive summit register, and carefully, return the way you came.  

Hiked: 2/24/2016.  Clark County, NV.  No Fees Required.                   


Boring beginnings...
Trail 404 split

Trail 404

"Black Mountain Trail"

Lots of Creosote Brush


Lower slopes

A small Joshua Tree 

Lovely, shiny volcanic granite

Barrel Cactus, Joshua Tree, and trail stairs....

Barrel Cactus

Entering the grasslands...around 4000'

Into the Las Vegas Metro

Upper Shadow Canyon

Beginning the South Rib Climb

The South Rib

Looking down from around 4700'

Still climbing...

Some Class 2

Nearing the summit and flag!









Close up of Red Rock Canyon and Charleston Peak


Sheet eastern escarpment

Coming back down...

Horned Lizard!

Mojave Yucca


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