
Friday, March 24, 2017

Terri Peak (2,569') at Lake Perris State Recreation Area

     The high point of the Aramada Mountains in Lake Perris State Recreation Area, Terri Peak, is a block mountain overlooking the towns of Moreno Valley and Perris to the north and the watery haunts of Lake Perris on the south.  Bolstering pleasant views in all directions from its 2,569' summit, this trip is well worth a Spring time excursion to.   


Category: Easy
Miles: 4
Elevation Gain: 850'
Location: Lake Perris State Recreation Area
Directions: HERE

The Trail: From the Horse Camp trailhead, take the road as it transitions into a trail up the eastern side of the mountain, passing through stands of White Sage, Brisitlebrush, California Sage, and Buckwheat.  In spring, the lupines, goldfields, bells, nightshades, and even invasive mustard and stinking chamomile can turn these hillsides into radiant shades of color.  As the trail ascends to the north side of the range, around the 2,200' mark, you enter a grassy plateau, tranquil and vivacious in season, and dreary and dormant when not.  As you travel, be sure to stay onto the main trail and not be side tracked by the numerous side-paths cut by users, leading to unnecessary erosion and destruction of natural habitat.  Here on the northside as you climb, lupines become more populous as does Chamise, Sumac and some strands of Scrub Oak.  From the unfortunately grafitti-lade summit, enjoy the more appealing views in all directions here among the gliding hawks and wistling breeze.  If you have another car or bike, you can return along the western side of the range to the Regional Indian Museum and Lake Perris Visitor Center, a destination well worth your time.  If not, return the way you came.  

Hiked 3/23/2017.  Riverside County, CA     

Riversidian (Inland) Sage Srub


Lake Perris from summit and the Bernasconi Hills
Summit BM

2,200' Plateau 

Box Springs Mountains and Moreno Valley

 Lake Perris and Spring blooms on the east side

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