
Monday, August 8, 2016

Hurricane Hill, WA (5,757'): Olympic National Park

     Perfectly positioned between the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the high glaciated summits of the interior Olympic Mountains stands Hurricane Hill.  Certainly deserving of a more worthy title than "hill", Hurricane Hill offers not only awe-inspiring views of the both the cold waters of the northern Pacific, Vancouver Island, and Mount Olympus, but the trail to the summit also passes through exquisite sub-alpine meadows and forests, replete in summer with blossoming flowers, and frolicking creatures.  The trip to the top technically is nothing more than ordinary, yet the surroundings are nothing short of extraordinary.  


Category: Easy  
Miles: 3.2 Miles 
Elevation Gain: 700' 
Directions:  HERE
Location: Olympic National Park 

     The Trail:  This hike, suitable for older children, leaves the trailhead parking, which may get quite crowded in the summer months, and follows the signage towards Hurricane Hill.  The path begins on a dusty route alongside verdant grasses and stately firs in the foreground, giving way to views of glorious mountains in the background. Continuing upwards, the trail steepens as it leaves the alpine forest and transitions into an open mountain meadow.  Keep a sharp lookout for endemic Olympic marmots gathering their stores of food for the upcoming winter.  After about a mile and a half from the trailhead, you will find yourself on the summit of Hurricane Hill, offering its noble views from Puget Sound and Mount Baker in the east to the temperate rainforests of the wide and deep valleys on western slopes of the Olympics.  After enjoying your time, return the way you came.              
Hiked July 30th, 2016.  Clallam County, WA.  

A welcoming deer at the trailhead parking lot

Mount Angeles 
Alpine forests and Mount Olympus 

Trail...summit in background

Hurricane Hill

Going up.,,

Elwa River Valley

A shaded section

Transitioning into the meadows

The long westward chain of peaks... 
High, glaciated peaks of the Olympic Wilderness 

Olympic Marmot


Getting closer...

Summit in sight

Mount Angeles and Puget Sound from the summit

Distant Mount Baker in extreme northern Washington State


View back down

Mount Olympus

Westward views

View into Port Angeles 
Brush fire...

Another wildfire in the deep mountains

Heavily glaciered  peaks


Another marmot

He is enjoying his view...


  1. Just passing through. Wonderful blog (I rarely say that). Washington looks incredible! Guess I'll have to get off my butt and get up there.

  2. Thank you for those remarks, I appreciate it. I try to do my very best on maintaining a professional site, so I am glad you enjoyed. Washington state's beauty is remarkable: truly a hiker's paradise.
