
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Black Star Canyon: A Journey Through Time

      Located just 15 Miles from Disneyland Resort lies Black Star Canyon, a natural time-capsule hidden  within the ancient Santa Ana Mountains.  As millions race across busy freeways and gridlock themselves in stalled intersections, only a few short miles away this quiet canyon whispers to those seeking a simpler speed of life and least for a little while.  This trip is full of wondrous surprises including a 60' waterfall, but perhaps the most fascinating feature of this canyon is the powerful sense of timelessness one receives upon visiting.  History is alive and real nestled between these venerable canyon walls.  The echoes of the past manifest themselves in many forms here, including prehistoric fossil walls, a extinct Grizzly Bear refuge, an abandoned Indian village, an 1850-style dynamite mine, an abandoned mountain-crest summer home, a historic ranch, and a Mexican Ranchero battlefield.  As the sun glides across this cool mountain sky before culminating its journey by falling into the gleaming Pacific, and the canyon's shadows grow ever longer by the hour, you are left with a feel of timelessness across this bygone land.


Category: Strenuous  
Miles: 19
Elevation Gain: 2,400'
Location: Cleveland National Forrest, Wildlands Conservancy, OC Regional Parks

The Hike:  From the free parking lot at the gate on Black Star Canyon Road,  

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